myths about stock market part-2

myths about stock market part-2

We discussed some general myths in the last article. Here we will discuss some valuation related and some risk related myths. Valuation Related Myths Fallen Angels will Go Back Up, Eventually
Myths about stock market part-1

Myths about stock market part-1

When fiascos like the scams by Ketan Parekh, Harshad Mehta; stock market crash of 2008 and analysts” conflict of interest occur, investor confidence can be at an all-time low. Many
Where do you invest your money?

Where do you invest your money?

When we ask the above question to our friends, relatives or acquaintance we get to hear some common answers like Gold, Real Estate, Bonds, Public Provident Fund, Fixed Deposits, Fixed
National Pension System (NPS)

National Pension System (NPS)

National Pension System (NPS) is a voluntary, defined contribution retirement savings scheme designed to enable the subscribers to make optimum decisions regarding their future through systematic savings during their working
Reit: a potential transition of investments in India

Reit: a potential transition of investments in India

When we discuss about investment instruments in today’s world, Real Estate frequently finds the top place in the list. Everyone acknowledges, without any confusion, that investment in Real Estate never
About fiis, mat and the recent controversy (part 2)

About fiis, mat and the recent controversy (part 2)

MAT Issue spooked the Markets In the latest Budget Mr. Arun Jaitley clearly mentioned that the exemption on MAT would be effective from 1st April 2015 but it remained unnoticed by